Biomarkers in cancer immunotherapy

MUDr. Paola Ferrari

Publikováno dne: 6. listopadu 2018

Immunotherapy has gained increasing consent in different types of advanced and/or metastatic cancer. More recently, checkpoint inhibitors have been extensively studied and in some cases they have been approved by regulatory authorities for cancer therapy. However, only a minority of patients exhibits a durable response to immunotherapy, while toxicity and costs of these treatments are not insignificant. In this view, biomarkers predicting response, resistance and toxicity should be important for a better selection of patients. PD-L1 expression, TIL identification and characterisation, mutation load, microsatellite instability, MDSCs, IDO, IFNgamma/Jak pathway mutations are some of these markers. Due to the complexity of immune response, the identification of reliable markers is difficult and research is in progress.

This prezentation was supported by project Molekulární genetika nádorových a kardiovaskulárních chorob (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0040)

Délka prezentace: 13 minut

Klíčová slova: imunotherapy, cancer, metastatic, therapy

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MUDr. Paola Ferrari: Biomarkers in cancer immunotherapy. PO>STUDIUM [online] 6. listopadu 2018 , poslední aktualizace 6. listopadu 2018 [cit. ]. Dostupný z WWW: ISSN 1803-8999.

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